Daily Broadcast

The Daily Broadcast: Texas Tech Baseball Throwing The “Freshman” At Stanford. How Will The West Texas Heat Affect The Cardinal? Either/Or – What Do You Hate More? Either Extreme Cold Or Extreme Heat? Our Thoughts And Your Great Comments & Questions!

Baseball and Heat. Welcome to Lubbock! […]

Daily Broadcast

The Daily Broadcast: Texas Tech Baseball Better Suited For Super Regional Than Regional… And That’s Scary. Favorite Forgotten Red Raiders. Best Willie Nelson Songs. I Have A Few Thoughts. . . Enjoy And Share!

Baseball and Willie. What more do you people want? Enjoy and share with your Tech friends and see y’all on the radio Tuesday.


Raider Headlines – June 15

USA TODAY: Kingsbury monitored TTU players with fake social media accounts It turns out that former Texas Tech head coach Kliff Kingsbury was quite the sleuth. He reveals how he and his staff monitored Tech […]