Happy Monday, Y’all !
First and foremost thank you to all who have served this great nation. You are the best of the best. I had the privilege a few weeks ago to welcome home the Texas South Plains Honor Flight at the Lubbock Airport. An amazing moment. If you are looking for a way to honor veterans like my Father-In-Law, then support that organization. There are so many ways to say thank you today to our Veterans. Do it today and then figure a way to make it on on-going celebration year round. The deserve all we do for them and more.
We’re still recovering a bit from our extended stay in Red River, NM. It was great, but we both needed to get home. I think we got most of the laundry done and feel like we’re ready to start the week. At least we had all of Sunday to get things right. For the record, it seems the cats actually did miss us. They remembered yesterday we are the ones who mainly feed them. The dogs, of course, now have no memory that we every left. Gotta love dogs!
We’ll have a lot to talk about tonight on The Daily Broadcast. From still sorting through Texas Tech’s loss to Colorado to what looks like a complete implosion for the Dallas Cowboys, Utah’s A.D. going off the rails on the Big 12 and more…join us LIVE at 6:30 tonight on X, YouTube and Facebook Live. Subscribe to all of our platforms (FREE) and never miss a thing. You can enjoy the show on whichever platform you prefer!
We’ll also get your thoughts on our weekly Monday topic and find out What Do You Know This Week. From Texas Tech to the Big 12, football hoops and more. Anything and everything . What do you know this week?
Here’s our thoughts on the Tech game from Sunday night. Tons of great viewers comments and questions.
See y’all tonight at 6:30.

Helmet Sticker Monday

Y’all know what to do.
Every Monday we celebrate awesomeness around here by handing out the coveted Raiderland Helmet Sticker. Sports or non-sports, who deserves some recognition in your world this week? Go tell us in the comment section below and then we’ll talk about it on The Daily Broadcast tonight.
I got a few I’ll save for the show this evening.
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, fresh and hot! The best links from Raiderland and Beyond!