Tuesday’s Best – Create The Ultimate Super Bowl Half-Time Show, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Utah Big Mad At Big 12 Over Texas Tech, May Day Malone, Peak Stevie Nicks, Windows 95 And Another West Texas Space Launch

Brought to you in part by South Plains College. The Road to Raiderland Runs Through Levelland. Lots of great Red Raiders started off as great Texans at SPC. Call today and find out what they can do to further your education!!!

Happy Tuesday, Y’all !

The streaking Texas Tech MBB team has an old friend over for dinner tonight. Taste like Bear.

We’ll see if the Red Raiders can keep their streak alive in the Big 12 tonight at 8PM. Hate the later starts but that’s what happens if you want on TV I suppose. Texas Tech starts the week with their best resume so far when it comes to the NCAA Tournament. Probably better or as good as any time in the past four seasons or so…Baylor coming off a huge comeback against KU this weekend should be feeling better about themselves. Expecting a close game.

We’ll talk about that and much more on The Daily Broadcast with y’all LIVE at 6:30 Central tonight. Join the show on X, YouTube or Facebook Live, your call. Here’s a the Monday show if you somehow missed it.

Tuesday’s Best

Tuesday’s Best is brought to you by Kyle Rogers and RE/MAX Realty in Lubbock. We might need two great examples of our question each week, but you only need ONE Realtor in Lubbock. Give Kyle a follow on Facebook and if you’re buying or selling in the Hubbaplex, he’s your guy!

Each Tuesday we give you the topic and you give us the Two Best examples of the topic. Sometimes sports and sometimes not…

Let’s engage in a little Super Bowl Hype. Every one talks about the Super Bowl half-time show, but nobody does anything about it.

So, today, give us your Two Best Super Bowl Half-Time Performers.

Can be past or present, folks you’ve seen or want to see. Here’s how I’d play it…

As soon as the half ends, thirty seconds later Jerry Seinfeld is doing 6 minutes of fresh, never-before-seen material. He’ll kill it!

“Hey, what’s with the deal with the moving stage? When I started, you went to a stage. Now, the stage comes to you. It’s even got an Uber driver asking for tips..”

After that we have Lynard Skynard rock out for 9 minutes. That’s one-and-a-half songs. All living members, members of tribute bands, folks who know the words in the audience…anyone and everyone get out there and rock.

Then we can watch and see how the NFL rigs the second half against whichever team you bet on…

Fire away in the comments below.

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, fresh and hot, the BEST links from Raiderland and Beyond!