What If Wednesday – Buddy Holly, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Texas Tech Basketball, ESPN Hating On Big 12 Hoops,NFL History, Stevie Wonder Live, A Crazy 70s Candy Bar And A 1975 Texas Death Match

Brought to you in part by Gator’s Bayou in Lubbock. Drop by 98th and Slide for hot cajun food, cold drinks and a fun atmosphere. Mardi Gras is coming up, so you need to start training now! Also, catch all the Texas Tech games there with the sound on!!!!

Happy Wednesday, Y’all !

We’ve got fog, drizzle and maybe a little rain going on in West Texas today. Fells full-on late January. Which it is. That means meaningful Big 12 basketball and we’ve got that as well. Texas Tech MBB vs TCU tonight, another shot for the Red Raiders to enhance their NCAA Tournament resume.

We’ll talk about that, engage in some Super Bowl Hype and much more tonight on The Daily Broadcast, LIVE at 6:30 Central. Join the show on X, YouTube or Facebook LIVE, your choice. If you missed the Tuesday show, here ya go:

What IF Wednesday

On Wednesday we got down the alt. history route. Sports or non-sports. Just to see how different y’all think the world would be if certain things happened or didn’t happen. Today, we’re going non-sports.

What IF: Buddy Holly’s plane never crashed.

How different is the rock and roll landscape and music history going into the 1960s if Holly were still around recording and producing? How would it have affected Lubbock and Clovis? Post your thoughts in the comments below and we’ll talk about it tonight on TDB.

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, fresh and hot – the Best Links from Raiderland and Beyond!

1 Comment

  1. What If:
    Bye bye American Pie – would Don MClean still have a career?

    Super Bowl hype:
    Since it’s rigged for the Chiefs, surely that means all the Vegas money reflects it, right??? I mean, who is dumb enough to bet against a sure thing???

    Weren’t the overtime rules changed following the unfairness of Josh Allen and the Bills not having an OT possession vs the Chiefs a couple years ago?

    Just curious, did Josh Allen and the Bills have possession and time on the clock late in the game last Sunday? And they drove downnthe field for the game winner and won, right? They made the plays at the end of the game and put it out of reach for Mahomes and co. Right?

    …all this the games are rigged talk is wearing me out.

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