Brought to you in part by Boot City, One Money Saving Mile Outside The West Loop And 19th Street!

Happy Wednesday Y’all!
We missed y’all Tuesday. Still running a little slow after a wicked sinus infection that I refused to believe was a real and actual sinus infection until it was too late. I do that. We do that as guys. I paid for it. Better today so we intend to be back tonight with the Daily Broadcast and get y’all ready for Texas Tech at Houston.
What a great chance for Texas Tech to play on house money. Just playing Houston will drive the old RPI up. Texas Tech starts the day at 35 on the Hoops HD Nitty Gritty rankings while Houston is a solid one seed at 4 in the ranking. Anything other than a blow-out loss is a good night for Texas Tech and we don’t expect to see that.
Either way, great to have compelling Big 12 Basketball on a Wednesday night in mid-January. One more reason why college basketball is so great three plus months of good match-ups for the most part every night somewhere around the country. Hopefully some fans will show up in Houston and make it look like a Big 12 game.. Maybe Texas Tech fans will carry the water like they usually do down there when it comes to attendance. . .
Overrated, Underrate, Rated Right Wednesday
Each Wednesday we’ll give you three things, teams, people…you name it for you to tell us if they’re rated right. You can also post in the comments things you want folks in Raiderland to sound off on during the Daily Broadcast tonight around 6:30ish LIVE on Twitter X, YouTube and Facebook Live. Here we go.
- Whataburger in 2024
- Big 12 Men’s Basketball
- Troy Aikman as an announcer
There ya go. Three things to sound off on. Number one is interesting. Now no longer a Texas-Based chain, how have your feelings and experiences changed with Whataburger over the past couple of years? Post your comments below and again, feel free to give us other topics to weigh in on tonight on the Daily Broadcast.
Raiderland Hot-Links

We see cool stuff we like and we figure you’ll like it too so we post it here each morning. Enjoy and add you own. Let’s grow Raiderland in 2024.