Brought to you in part by Thacker Jewelry in Lubbock. Every great love story begins at Thacker’s!

Happy Monday, y’all!
We’re back! Mostly.
Sorry for zero content over the weekend.
This is how dedicated I am to covering Texas Tech sports for you guys. When I saw it was an open date for football I decided to schedule the worst stomach bug and or anything else I’ve had in years. Nope. Not gonna get sick and actually miss a game for you. I took my “off weekend” and spent it mostly in bed. This one was in and out like lion. No lamb to this thing. It was all lion. From the aches and everything else involved I felt as bad for 36 hours or so as I have in a long, long time.
But, we are back and we’re gonna do what we can.
If Patrick Mahomes can have the best health care in the world and go out and play like dog poop at Denver, I can eat my wife’s chicken caldo and have some oatmeal this morning and crank out some content for you folks.
So let’s get going.
Raiderland Helmet Stickers
As you know, there are many helmet stickers out there, but only one highly coveted Raiderland Helmet Sticker. We reserve these for folks, sports or non-sports who deserver a little recognition for being awesome. Hand out as many as you please each Monday. Never limit greatness. Here’s my quick list to get you started.
My Wife. She should probably get one each week for putting up with me. She gets double-stickers for dealing with me when I’m sick. I’m not a good sick person. Never have been and don’t see that changing soon. Her chicken caldo (the key is the lime) on Sunday brought be back to life and gave me hope I could eat again! She also got me popsicles. She gets a sticker.
Patrick Mahomes. No really. He goes out and tries to play an NFL game on Sunday all messed up on IVs and drugs and whatnot dealing with his virus. Me? I was pleased to be able to stand up long enough to take a shower late Sunday. We aren’t the same.
The Texas Rangers. Last thing I remember they won a walk-off game in the World Series on Friday. That was the last sporting event I was aware of for the most part until Sunday evening. Did they make them play any more games? It’s a one-game final, right?? Right?
OK, there’s a few of mine. Post yours here and we’ll debate them all tonight on the Daily Broadcast. Yes, I intend to be live with y’all Monday night around 6:30ish. So don’t let me down. I’m playing hurt!
Raiderland Monday Hot-Links

You know the drill. We post stuff from last 24 hours. Except today, I really have no idea what went on, so it’s gonna be a little short. Add your own if you want to. See ya tonight.