Happy Wednesday Y’all !
Late April Mid-Week Games Are Evil.
UNM 17, Texas Tech 3.
Say it with me.
Always a challenge and has been for decades not just for Texas Tech Baseball but all good college teams. You come off emotional conference series. You’re dialed-in for days at a time. You get home and you think you get to breathe. Instead a team comes in all jacked-up ready to beat you and make their season. And they do. A lot of the time. It is why the NCAA should throw out 3 non-conference games every year out of a schedule of nearly 60 games and accept that those games are outliers and happen in baseball. Like we wrote yesterday, the only goal was to beat UNM. No style points. Wouldn’t get credit for it. Just get a win.
Now, will this destroy the Tech RPI? No. Will it be the reason Tech doesn’t host? No. That was a crazy dream by some and so unlike as to not be worthy of discussion. The goal remains, be a two-seed and don’t get shipped to College Station. Let them do that to the Horns this year.
The loss only dropped Tech to 31 in the D1 Baseball RPI, so no real damage done for the most part. Except to the psychology of “Football Guy” and some of the fans who watch Texas Tech Baseball a bit but don’t really follow college baseball at all. We get it. They’ve always been there.
So much to talk about on The Daily Broadcast tonight LIVE at 6:30. We assume all technology will work tonight so join us on the show on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
Overrated, Underrated, Rated Right Wednesday
Let’s rate a few things today! NFL Draft Style
- Drafting a QB in the first round.
- Drafting an OL in the first round.
- Drafting a CB in the first round.
Post your ratings in the comments below!
For those who celebrate, enjoy the draft this week. Got a feeling the first round is gonna be a little wild when it comes to who is expected to go where and where they actually go. Lying Season in full-effect for NFL GMs and Execs and Coaches. Everybody likes everybody, nobody likes anybody. Hopefully next year we’ll be talking about a Texas Tech player going in the first round again.
Raiderland Hot-Links

Each day we’re serving up the hottest links for Texas Tech fans and West Texans. Even those folks around the country who wish they were West Texans. So dig in and enjoy. Add a few of your own if you think others in Raiderland will enjoy!