5/28/24: Tuesday’s Best – Texas NBA Players, No Texas Tech In NCAA Baseball Tournament, Now What Do We Do, Raiderland Hot-Links Featuring Texas Tech Golf, Bill Walton, Rocky III And A Lubbock Man Running With A Purpose

Brought to you in part by Golf USA in Lubbock. Stacy Nix and his crew are ready to help you play better golf this summer! Drop by 66th and Indiana and tell them we said hello. Also ask if they burned all the video of Hyatt ever working on the simulator there!!!

Happy Tuesday, Y’all !

We sincerely hope everyone had an enjoyable and peaceful Memorial Day. Thanks to the sacrifices of so many Americans, we are able to enjoy a day with family and friends. There’s no better tribute to those men and women who gave the last full measure for America, than to embrace those ideals of freedom and enjoy them, while acknowledging and paying respect for those who make it possible !!!!

So, no Texas Tech Baseball in the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2015. Now what do we do? Will you watch? Will you root for Big 12 teams? Will you adopt an underdog?

I love college baseball too much to not watch. On one hand, it does take a little of the “work” aspect out of the tournament for me, so I can pick and choose what I want to watch and when. I’m pretty sure I’ll adopt an underdog or three. If you’ve got some suggestions on who we should root for in Raiderland this year, let us know in the comments below.

Even though they beat Texas Tech in Omaha a few years back, I always have great respect for Coastal Carolina. Schools like that making it to the CWS and competing are what it’s all about! So the Butt-Kickin’ Chicken will probably get our support this go around.

Who else should we root for?

For many of my friends, I’ve got a feeling they’ll pay more attention to the women’s college softball tournament. The games are great, fast and compelling for the most part. And the players and coaches manage to have a lot of fun at the same time. Love it!

Tuesday’s Best

Each Tuesday we give y’all a topi and y’all give us your two best examples or answers.

This week, give us your Two Best NBA players all-time who played on a Texas NBA team!

That’s right. You only get to pick two. Good luck on this one.

Raiderland Hot-Links

Each morning we serve ’em up hot and fresh! The best links in Raiderland. Enjoy and add your own in the comments if you find something you think folks around here will find interesting!