5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Half The Country Is Crazy, Delusional And Not Fit To Govern, The Vanity Of Humanity From Man-Made Climate Change & More, Paying Money For Time, Oranges & Why America Is Great, Plus We Send Our Son Off To College With Generations Of Gifts! Enjoy, Comment, Share!

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. There’s no nice way to say it. Half of the country at any given moment is crazy, delusional and not fit to govern. The challenge for American voters is trying to figure out from moment to moment which half is crazy, delusional and not fit to govern.
  2. Every time I hear folks saying, “It’s never been hot like this ever before”… and then I see the years going back a hunnerd or more where it was exactly this hot…. Reminds me of the Vanity of Humanity. Lots of folks have to think they’re living in the “Most” of Times in order to inflate their cosmic importance. Guess what. You’re not that important and a hunnerd years from now, folks will laugh at your Vanity. So relax. Enjoy life a little and don’t worry about things you have zero control over. Like the weather. Quite frankly, you just don’t have that kind of power….
  3. The older I get, the more I’m willing to spend money to save my time and effort on certain things. I can always make a little more money. I ain’t making any more time….
  4. If you don’t think we live in a great country, go to any grocery store right now, go through the produce section alone and tell me we aren’t in an amazing place. I can buy things in West Texas that folks have a hard time getting in the actual countries where they are grown… My grandparents got oranges in their stockings at Christmas because it was a rare and special treat. You just didn’t get oranges in West Texas in 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940 … you get the idea. Now, I can buy ten different kinds of citrus year ’round. So, if you don’t think America is great, go to a grocery store. Now… being able to actually afford to buy those oranges these days is another conversation. . . 🙂
  5. When you drop your kid off at college, you feel like a huge part of you is being left behind. Then, after a bit, you realize that a huge part of you is actually being set free. Released to fly and grow on its own. Generations on down, each parent gave a little bit of themselves to their children; like starter for bread. And as the generations went on, each person added their own flavor into the product that is us. So, as I watch my son go off to college and strike out on his own path, I do so knowing that he has the salt and flavoring, the gifts and knowledge and the Spirit, of mine and my wife’s ancestors. They made us who we are, and our son is the latest incarnation of all of those gifts. I can’t wait to see the fruit that he bears. Good luck, Reed. You’re ready and we can’t wait to see what’s next.
