Brought to you in part by The Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like West Texans.

5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- September always energizes me. It feels like the beginning of a new year. From the start of football to kids going back to school; you name it. September always seems fresh with possibility. Easily one of my Top 12 Months!
- One of the best nuggets of wisdom Jimmy Buffett left us with? “Every where you go, you always take the weather with you.” So, what kind of weather are you gonna take with you today and this week?
- You can tell we’re getting more “outsiders” moving into West Texas and how many folks aren’t connected the land these days by the number of folks you hear complain about when it rains around here. . .A West Texan never complains about a good rain. And they’re all good.
- One more great thing about living in West Texas. . . you don’t assaulted by all the political commercials that folks have to endure in “Battle Ground States” and contested areas. The Great Red Wall out here allows us to just hear from car dealers and sales pitches for medications we can’t pronounce that we probably don’t need in the first place.
- If a steak doesn’t have great grill marks on it, I’m probably not gonna like it.