5 Things We Know On A Sunday: If You Don’t Know Texas History – You Don’t Know American History… John Wayne’s “The Alamo” Is A Crap Movie…A Certain Lubbock Tex-Mex Place Is Overrated And If Your Dog Bites 25 Folks-Your Dog Doesn’t Suck… You Suck As A Dog Owner…

Presented by the Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent. Like all great West Texans!

5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. If you don’t know Texas History, there’s no way you’ll ever understand United States history from about 1830 to 1858. Fact. That they don’t teach it that way in Texas and around the United States is a failing of our education system. Texas was and still is the linchpin when it comes to holding this country together from East to West.
  2. It’s not Ageism or anything else. It’s Realism. If you have to have the conversation about taking the car keys, we shouldn’t even have to have the conversation about taking away the keys to the Nuclear Codes. Also, if you let your dog bite 25 folks or so, you’re a crappy dog owner. Your dog is probably a good dog. You suck though at owning a dog. If you can’t be a good dog owner, should your really be in charge of a country? Just asking… For a friend…
  3. John Wayne’s movie ” The Alamo” is a crap movie. But it needed to be made. In 1960 Wayne was making movies that were metaphors for a Better America. The Alamo has always lent itself to that cause. . . The 2004 effort by John Lee Hancock sucked as well. There has never been a good movie made that truly captures all the aspects of what happened at The Alamo. I guess that’s as it should be. It must always be shrouded in smoke and myth and allow us to project upon those men all we want them to be and to have been. . .
  4. I’ll go ahead and say it. And I’ll take the heat for it for everyone around the South Plains who wants to say it but can’t… Taco Villa is Overrated. You’re welcome. Don’t tell your friends in Dallas though. They still come to town wanting tacos with tomatoes on top and little packets of tomato paste to take back home to their displaced West Texas Brethren.
  5. I’m not saying I can’t trust a man who doesn’t own a pair of boots. I’m just saying it makes me wonder what else I need to know about him before I trust him.
