5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- If you want to stop something, the best way to do it is with a “Non-Proportional Response”. Harry Truman understood that, Thank God. Hopefully our current leaders will understand that and take his approach to rouge states and dealers of terror. It’s pretty simple. Want them to not do something… make it where they can’t do anything. Works every time it’s tried. Parents of small children understand this…
- I don’t want to watch Tiger Woods finish last in Majors going forward. But I respect that he played this one. If it’s his last Masters, that’s fine by me. No one wants Willie Mays in a Mets uniform or Johnny Unitas in a Chargers uniform.
- Top 3 Beers To Go With Mexican Food: No. 3. Tecate with chips and salsa and tacos. No. 2 Negra Modelo with enchilada or burritos. No. 1. Dox Equis with fajitas.
- If you remade “Happy Days” today with the proper era-gap in the setting; it would take place around 2004. That doesn’t sound like a show that would be compelling to watch. No one in 2004 was as cool as Fonzi was in 1958.
- Fact. The National Ranching Heritage Center is one of the coolest things in Lubbock that far too few people know about or go to. With the popularity of Taylor Sheridan’s “Yellowstone” platforms; you’d think there’d be a renewed interest in our area’s rich history. By the way, the 55th Annual Ranch Day is next Saturday!