Brought to you in part by The Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like West Texans!

5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- It’s a wise and good thing to go ahead and question the judgement and wisdom of a person willing to run for President of the United States of America in the first place. That’s the first red-flag they might not be all there. . .
- If the summer heat has got you down, don’t worry. There will be a lot of folks coming around soon to tell you that you’ve “never been this cold before” and they’ll be happy to tell you how much money you need to give them to “fix the problem”.
- Top 3 Stores/Businesses In Lubbock’s South Plains Mall – 1970s/1980s: No.3. Poco Taco. Long before there was a food court, there was Poco Taco. It nudges out The Orange Julius and Kay’s Corn And Frozen Yogurt (Home Of Best Cheese Flavored Popcorn made by a future Lubbock media personality). No.2. Chess King. Admit it. You shopped there. You might have bought a blazer or some wild shirts or pants that belonged in a Duran Duran video, but yes; you shopped there in 1985. No.1. Family Fun World. Some days, it was the only reason you went to the mall. It was dark. It had Skee Ball, mini-golf in the back, Asteroids and Sea Wolf. It was, in fact, incorrectly named. Not sure I ever saw complete families in there having fun…
- If I were in charge of the F.C.C. one thing I’d mandate is that all Local TV Newscasts be filled with just that. . . local news. No national. No packages from far away. No regurgitation of what the cable networks are gabbing about; it all has to be local. One thing that would happen? You’d see a lot more positive stories and you’d see that there is a lot more good right around you than you realize. Right now, the local stations can be lazy, and they are. It’s a lot easier to tell you about crime in Chicago or deadly fires in Maui than it is to tell you about the woman in town who volunteers every day to work with the elderly or the man who is creating jobs for veterans with his business. If a Local TV Station ever started doing total local news they’d be shocked at their ratings and revenue. But they won’t. It’s too easy to be lazy and the audience doesn’t know the difference.
- Now that I’ve finished watching all of 1883 I think it’s fair to open up the idea of a discussion regarding the merits of 1883 and Lonesome Dove. I’ve fought hard over the years accepting the proposition that modern movie/series would approach Lonesome Dove. I’m now willing to have that conversation. I guess it’s fair that every 30-years or we can crank out something awesome regarding the American West and Frontier. That said, in a battle of Shea vs Call; we’d have a really good match-up.