5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- All you need to know, if you want to see if your policies and principles are right and correct and aligned with your values, is to see who is opposed to them and why. It’s just that simple. In your personal life, business dealings and political views – look around and see who is fighting against what ever it is that you embrace and espouse. Shakespeare had it right. “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.”. Figure out who that lady is in your equations and you’ll do just fine. Right, Elon?
- Fact. Every Super Bowl ad should be funny, witty, creative and make you feel good. No one watching the game wants to be lectured, to be told they must embrace a certain world-view or that they should buy a product because of those things. Folks watching the Super Bowl are in a good mood, having fun and want ads that reflect that environment. Companies that violate the “Fun Policy” will pay for it. It’s a fun day. companies should be smart enough to understand that and create wonderful sales messages that reflect the mindset of the viewers. It’s not hard.
- Top 3 Super Bowl Ad Campaigns All-Time: No. 3. Go Daddy ads with Danica Patrick. A nod and a wink to fun and the whole, “see more at the website” was brilliant. Not serious and drove traffic in the “early” days of .com marketing. No. 2. Bud Bowl. Perfect. for the time. Creative visuals and made you pay attention. Obviously Budweiser has had a ton of great ads… but that era was the coolest. No. 1. Coca-Cola “Hey Kid, Catch” ad in 1980 with Mean Joe Greene. Stands the test of time. Made you smile. Easy to remember catch-phrase after all these years. Simple and the best.
- If you order food tomorrow… tip like a drunken sailor. Tip like you just won the lottery. Tip. These folks are out there doing what you’re not willing to do. They’re bringing you food and beverage. Around Lubbock, with the way folks drive, they’re literally risking their lives to bring you great pizza, hot wings and whatever else it is you weren’t willing to go get yourself. So… at least on this one Sunday, over-tip. Be nice. Also, order early. Real early in the day. It’s not your fault if you wait until 5 P.M. to order a pizza and then it takes an hour. Super Bowl Sunday should be National Delivery Drivers Day. We expect our readers to be better than most folks, so go and prove it today! Feel free to report here in the comments or on Monday’s Daily Broadcast how well you tipped!!!
- For those who want to create a National Holiday on the Monday after the Super Bowl… don’t worry, it’s gonna happen. When the NFL adds another regular season game the Super Bowl will fall on the Sunday before Presidents Day. Don’t get me started on how all of our great Presidents like Washington and Lincoln have to share a day now… that’s a topic for another time. But here in about two years, book it, you’ll have your National Holiday after the Super Bowl. Maybe we can add Lombardi in with the Presidents…