5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- Ham is better than turkey. Any form, cooked and prepared any way, ham always beats turkey. Keep that in mind this week.
- The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving TV Special was ruined by Peppermint Patty showing up with her weird friend Marcie. Admit it. They crashed the dinner because their families didn’t want to have anything to do with them. A sad testament to the folks Charlie Brown and Linus were hanging around. Snoopy did what he could with the meal, but again, Charlie Brown’s family seemed to have no real food lying around for hungry kids. The 1970s were hard.
- Top Three Food Holidays: No. 3. Thanksgiving. If you love turkey, congrats… it’s your day. For most of us it’s about the side dishes. Dressing, mashed taters, you name it. Sides win the day. No. 2. 4th of July: What more do you want? Hot dogs. Hamburgers. Chips. Dip . All. Day. Long. Maybe throw in a BBQ with brisket or something.. It’s food and blowing stuff up. America! No. 1. Cinco de Mayo: Stay with me here… Tacos. Beer. Tacos. Beer. We got Mexican food and beer. I’m saying that’s a winner because that’s what we want in West Texas most every day!
- The Dallas Cowboys should play the Washington (Insert your favorite nickname here) every year on Thanksgiving Day in Dallas.
- I spent countless years on the road on Thanksgiving, calling game for Texas Tech Lady Raider Basketball. I loved every minute of it. It taught me that Thanksgiving isn’t a day or a place or even who you are around.. Thanksgiving is a State of Mind. Thanksgiving is something you Give, not something you Have. So, Give Thanks this week. No matter where you are, who you are with or what you are doing. Thanksgiving is a VERB, not a noun. . .
And we Thank you for taking a minute to read what we write and record and broadcast and … well, you get the idea. Thank you for being out there. Have a great Sunday and we’ll see ya Monday on the site.
1. Wrong.