5 Things We Know On A Sunday – The Word You’re Looking For Is “Observe”, Graduation Ceremonies Need More Respect Than A Bingo Hall, 3 Must Watch Memorial Day Movies, Cook Your Meat Right This Weekend Or Else!!! & America’s Best Days MUST Be Ahead Of Us And Not Behind

JUNE 15: Soldiers attempt to capture a bridge in the movie "A Bridge Too Far" which was released on June 15, 1977. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. The word you’re looking for this weekend is “Observe”. We don’t celebrate Memorial Day; we Observe it. It is a day of reverence and respect. A day of reflection and yes; celebration of those who gave the last full measure for this great country. So, with that in mind, do what so many Veterans say their fallen comrades would want you to do. Enjoy the day, be with family, have fun; but at the same time reserve more than a moment to understand exactly why you’re getting this time to be with family. It is the least we can do for those who gave the most of themselves for us.
  2. Fact. The ability for most folks to be respectful, let alone reverent, has long disappeared in the America of 2024. Don’t believe me? Go to a High School or College graduation. What was once a respectful and dignified occasion has devolved into a Bingo Hall where names are called out and folks act like they’ve won something… I admit it . I’m Old School. I expect more at ceremonies like this. That said, the demeanor of the masses doesn’t erase the accomplishment of the individual; it merely eradicates the ability of the individual the be honored properly. Selfish people robbing others. . .
  3. Top 3 Movies For Memorial Day Weekend: No. 3. “Glory” Released in 1989 this movie is still underrated in my opinion. Moral without proselytizing , it could not be made today. Someone would insist on injecting more into the storyline than it needed. No. 2. “Saving Private Ryan”. Another modern war movie. But it boiled WWII down to the essential element in one sentence… “What do you do when the man is the mission?”. It was the best example of just trying to get home against the backdrop of total world conflict. No. 1. “A Bridge Too Far”. This one gets lost in the shuffle of 1970s movies. It shouldn’t. It’s an Anti-War movie cloaked in the glorification of those who had to go to war. It’s brilliant in its story-telling and the grandeur helps the viewer understand the vastness of the moment, while at its purest essence; it’s boiled down to a simple man with an umbrella. It’s the best “war” movie in my opinion. So, if you get the time, check these three out this weekend.
  4. If you’re cooking out this weekend, and we hope you are… there’s no reason to serve any steak cooked more than medium rare. If they don’t like that… ask them, politely, to leave and save the meat for real Americans who value what that cow did for us all! Signed, Hank Hill – Great American.
  5. Because of the blood shed and the lives given by our fighting men and women over the years, I fully and completely believe that the best days of America lie ahead of us and not behind. They did not sacrifice for a temporary idea of Liberty, Freedom and Self-Determination. I refuse to accept that. I firmly hold fast that the men and women of America who have given the last full measure of their devotion to us… knew that we would take their gift and make America better. If you want to do one thing for anyone you know and love who has died for America… do that. Commit to making America the country they died for. It can and will be done!
