5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- December is the fastest, longest month of the year. If you’re a kid, Christmas takes forever to get to. If you’re an adult, there’s never enough hours in the day and days in the month seemingly to get to everything you “need” to get done. You go and go and then all of a sudden it’s over. . . This December, take a minute and slow down. It’s just like all the other months. You’ve got the same amount of time. Don’t give away the enjoyment of the season trying to “do”. Just experience it.
- It’s amazing how things work out in this world. Imagine if America’s Independence Day were on December 25 and Christmas were in early July….Freedom s’mores and egg nog and then Santa Claus in shorts and a flying surfboard. Just doesn’t have the same feeling.
- I love the fact that United Market Street has someone playing piano during the holidays where I shop. It’s hard to get upset about crowded stores or lines when someone is playing Vince Guaraldi’s “Linus and Lucy” theme from the Charlie Brown TV specials. . .
- I always put money in the Salvation Army Red Kettle when I see one. Even if it’s just whatever loose change I have.
- We need more stores to go Old School and paint up their windows during December. The fake snow and “Merry Christmas” greetings, candles and silver bells…you name it. The static white lights are fine, but Christmas is about color and excitement and anticipation. If you’ve got a store, go full-1950s on the decor and folks will love it!
As always we thank you for taking a minute to read our musings. Feel free to add your comments in the section below and then share with your friends. Heck, you might have 5 Things of your own to give folks today! We’ll see you in the morning on the site when we hand out Raiderland Helmet Stickers and find out What We Know to start the week.
Facts. All of them.
One of my greatest regrets of parent life has been our failure to adequately portray the magic and joy of the Christmas season. Polar Express, Charlie Brown, The Grinch and Elf all help but it still hasn’t been near the experience of our childhood.
I know there’s still time to make of it what we can but I fear that the loss of innocence is too much toothpaste to squeeze back into the tube.
I’m hypocritically responding to this via my smartphone but oh how I wish that they were never invented.