5 Things We Know On A Sunday – West Texas Rains, Lubbock Tornado Lessons, Be Kind To Your Servers Today, The Chicken Fried Steak Test, Thank You Mothers

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5 Thins We Know On A Sunday

  1. Just when you think it won’t happen, just when you think it’s a lost cause. . . it rains in West Texas. That should be a lesson in our every day lives around here. The Lord Provides. Amen.
  2. Saturday was the 54th anniversary of the killer Lubbock Tornado. Each year we get farther away from that deadly night, we are just getting closer to when it happens again. It’s not a matter of if, but when; as Lubbock continues to sprawl out across the Llano Estacado. Take a minute, make a plan and make sure when that fateful day comes, you and your family know what to do and how to do it. Don’t mean for that to be a negative thing… in fact, it’s a positive thing. If you know what to do it will relieve stress and panic when those moments come around. Control what you can control. . .
  3. If you’re out to lunch for Mother’s Day, be kind to your server…combined with Texas Tech graduation this weekend, they’re a wee bit frazzled. Remember, they’d probably rather be at lunch with their own Mom instead of at work, so show a little love this weekend!
  4. If a place has chicken fried steak on the menu, it better be good. If you can’t trust the chicken fry in West Texas, what else can you trust on that menu? Same goes for Mexican Food places. If the chips and salsa aren’t good, do you really think that chimichanga is gonna be worth a darn?
  5. Here’s to all the great moms out there today. A never ending job with not near enough thanks. So thank you, to my Mom, my Wife and my Mother In-Law. Three great, tough, tender West Texas women!
