Brought to you in part by Domino’s Pizza. It’s Monday. You deserve some great Domino’s Pizza.

Happy Monday, Y’all !
Officially Mid-August this week.
How did that happen so fast???
Either way in two Mondays it’s Game Week around here for Texas Tech and that’s a good thing. We’ve got plenty to talk about tonight on The Daily Broadcast when we come your way LIVE on X, YouTube and Facebook. So get your mind right today and then join us on the show on whichever platform you prefer!
Raiderland Helme Stickers

Each Monday we ask you to do a couple of things.
- Make Helmet Stickers Great Again.
- Celebrate awesomeness where you find it, whether in sports or otherwise by awarding your Raiderland Helmet Stickers.
Post your winners this week in the comment section below. We’ll have our detailed list tonight on TDB.
One for sure will be celebrating the life and contributions of former Texas Tech President Robert Lawless. Just a really nice guy and he was so kind to me as a Tech student in the late 80s/early 90s and a tremendous supporter of the Lady Raiders (Yes, even pre-national championship). Thanks you, Dr. Lawless and rest well.
Raiderland Hot Links

Every morning we serve up the freshest and hottest links from around Raiderland and Beyond…