8/16/24: Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Texas Tech Football, Another Red Raider To The Bigs, Mickey Rivers, Mister Rogers vs Julia Child With Howard Cosell On The Call & Tech FB At TCU – Silent Movie Style

Brought to you in part by McAlpin Chiropractic, The Official Chiropractor of Raiderland!

Happy Friday, Y’all !

And just like that, we’ve made it to the end of the week.

The Great Grub War of ’24 is going well. Going to spread some grass seed this weekend. Seeing dead grubs. That’s the goal. That and some decent looking green grass by the end of growing season. A little rain would also be nice, but no luck on that front. Pray for your West Texas cotton farmers. Some are in bad shape right now. . .

Texas Tech has a scrimmage this weekend which means either the offense looks good and the defense looks bad or neither side looks good. Don’t read too much into any of the results or reports. Just be healthy. That’s the key going into September. A healthy Texas Tech team should for sure be an 8-win team with this schedule.

We’ll be with y’all tonight on The Daily Broadcast talking not just Texas Tech, Big 12 and NFL, but a few Lubbock-related issues including the always controversial topic of replacing the brick streets downtown. I think most folks who want to keep them never have to drive on them… We’ll see. Big road bond vote coming up and no promise it will pass.

All of that and more tonight LIVE at 6:30 on X, YouTube, Facebook. If you missed last night, here ya go:

Most Texan Thing

Each Friday we find out one important thing from y’all.

What’s The Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week?

Big or small, let us know in the comments and then we’ll discuss tonight on the show.

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up hot and fresh, the best links from around Raiderland and beyond!