8/21/24: Over, Under, Rated Right Wednesday, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Texas Tech Coach Joey McGuire, Adrian Beltre, The Great Jack Buck, Bono & Heat…Lots Of Heat

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Happy Wednesday, Y’all !

A busy week just continues to get busier. And hotter. Gonna set some records over the next few days around West Texas. Pray for Rain!

Tomorrow we will be limited at best as we ship out our son to West Texas State. It will always be WT to me… So, no Daily Broadcast Thursday night. You’ve been warned.

Tonight, we’ll roll out our season predictions for Texas Tech Football. Join the show via X, YouTube and Facebook where ever you call home and get your predictions in as well. We’ll go LIVE at 6:30 tonight. Only KAMC 28 Sports Director David Collier is allowed to be late….

Over, Under, Rated Right Wednesday

Each Wednesday we give you a topic and then you rate of few things or people in said topic. Easy. Sometimes…

Today’s Topic: National Chain Restaurants.

Yesterday we talked about hole-in-the-wall places for Mexican food. Today, let’s get to the big boys. How do you rate them? Give us one for each category if you can.

Underrated for me? Texas Roadhouse. Consistent. Know what you’re gonna get no matter where you dine…great sides.

Raiderland Hot Links

We serve ’em up hot and fresh every morning!