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Happy Wednesday!
This week is flying by. Got high school football on Friday and meaning college football on Saturday. We even had something called clouds Tuesday in West Texas. Later tonight on the Daily Broadcast we’ll make our season predictions for Texas Tech Football. I’m close but might not have my final pick ready until about 5:30 or so today. Teetering back and forth on win total. So see you at 6:30 on Twitter Live, YouTube Live and Facebook Live. Your choice. Subscribe and Follow all three. Don’t cost nuthin’.
Y’all post your comments and thoughts below and really share this today. Let’s grow some Raiderland.
Bandwagon Wednesday
Y’all know how this works. What are you backing and supporting and fully on-board with this week and what do you want no part of? Created by a listener, just like a great topics. Have fun and post your thoughts down below in the comments.
On-Spicy Shrimp Cocktail Sauce. Made some of my own last week. Not sure that it shouldn’t be a hot-wing flavor. Developing.
Off-Tropical Storm Coverage on most media. They “root” for bad weather, then get mad when it doesn’t happen. Then they blame “climate change”.
Raiderland Hot-Links
We figure if it’s of interest to us, y’all might like it too. Each day, we post Raiderland Hot-Links. If you see something during the day, share it in our comment section. That’s how community works. See y’all tonight at 6:30ish on the Daily Broadcast!