Brought to you in part by Arctic Air. If your air isn’t Arctic this week, you need to Call The Bear!

Happy Monday and we hope you get to enjoy some time with family and friends this Labor Day! If we’re gonna just make up a holiday out of thin air, we might as well take advantage of it, right!
Oregon Week Begins
It’s a “normal” Monday for us in the business as Texas Tech HC Joey McGuire will talk to the media around 12:30 out at the Big Red Spread. We’ll see how 48 hours or so of ruminating on the Wyoming loss has gone for the boss. We’ll have complete updates and thoughts on that and more this evening for you on the Daily Broadcast around 6:30ish, depending on when the brauts are done around here. Join the show every day (Daily Broadcast, get it) via Twitter Live, our YouTube Channel or Facebook Live.
Raiderland Helmet Stickers
Most of y’all know the drill by now. Each Monday you get to hand out the highly coveted Raiderland Helmet Stickers to anyone deserving a little recognition for being awesome, sports or otherwise. My first one goes to my wife, a true #txhsfb Mom!
I have problems driving at night due to a night-blindness issue that’s cropped up over the last few years, so she gets to take the wheel during football season for a lot of the trips. Two scrimmages and two regular season games I toted up the miles the other night coming home and she’s driven the equivalent of Lubbock to Laramie these first few weeks of the season. Good news is the long road-trips are over until the play-offs. But she is a Football-Mom Road Warrior!
Now that we’ve got a Texas Tech game in among so many others, who gets your stickers this week? Coach Prime anyone? Post in the comments below!
Raiderland Hot-Links

Here’s a few things we found interesting to get the week started. Enjoy and add you own links below. See ya tonight on the show.