Happy Tuesday, Y’all!
How many days until football?
Don’t worry, it’s close. Really close.
Don’t worry though, we’ll have plenty to talk about tonight on The Daily Broadcast, LIVE at 6:30 on X, YouTube and Facebook LIVE.
Tuesday’s Best
Each Tuesday we give you a great, fun, fantastic topic and y’all give us your two best examples of the the topic. So easy… Until it isn’t…
Here’s what we’re looking for this week:
At the risk of starting some fights amongst friends and family; we respectfully ask this question…
Who are the Two Best Presidents of the United States of America in your lifetime?

Now, this makes its a little fun since you can go all the way back to your birthday… for me.. well, that opens up a lot of Presidents I doubt y’all would vote for..
So… Give us your two best and maybe a reason or two why you rank them that way. If we can rank college football teams, I reckon we can rank Presidents!!!
So post your answers in the comments and then share and invite your friends to get in on the fun. It’ll make The Daily Broadcast even more fun tonight!
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve them up, fresh and hot.. The best links in West Texas!!