8/1/24: Welcome Back NFL, But We’ll Only Watch For A Few Minutes, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Texas Tech Football, Big Country Arrives For Rangers, Sweetness & Happy Birthday MTV!

Brought to you in part by McAlpin Chiropractic in Lubbock. Activate your health with a great Red Raider!

Happy Thursday, Y’all !

The NFL is back and Texas Tech is going undefeated. Probably like 20-0 or something. Between seeing Michael Hudson catch a pass and hearing folks talk about how good Tech is on EA Sports video game, it’s gotta be true.

August Optimism is the Best Optimism.

Even Dallas Cowboy fans can dream that this year might be different.

(It won’t).

We will get into all that and much more tonight on The Daily Broadcast, LIVE at 6:30 on X, YouTube and Facebook Live.

Join the show and get your questions and comments in.

Here’s last night’s in case you missed it.

Raiderland Hot Links

We serve ’em up every morning, the freshest and hottest links from Raiderland and beyond!