Daily Broadcast: Did Micha Hudson Use Texas Tech Or Did Tech Use Hudson? Looks Like UH DC Is Next Tech DC…What Do You Want Tech To Do For OC??? Same Style Or Go Different Path? Huge Tuesday Show, Great Comments/Questions!

Brought to you in part by Gators Bayou in Lubbock. 98th and Slide Road, the drinks are cold the cajun food is hot and the games are always on. So drop by and tell them Raiderland sent ya!

Plenty to talk about for a Tuesday night.

Looks like Joey McGuire has his DC choice ready to go. What about the offense now? What do you want to see on the coaching picks? When it comes to Micha Hudson entering the transfer portal… we ask one question:

Did Hudson use Texas Tech or did Texas Tech use Hudson?

Give it a watch and then share with your Texas Tech friends who are starved for original, creative and thoughtful discussions. See ya Wednesday on the site for What If Wednesday!