Brought to you in part by Domino’s Pizza. Try the New York Style tonight… you won’t be disappointed!

No show tonight… Been a long week and there’s really not much going on tonight for us to fool you into thinking there is massive new information on Texas Tech Football or otherwise…. So, we will give you great question for you to sound off on. We’re not a message board, but we love comments… so keep that in mind. We appreciate when y’all let us know what you’re thinking and then you can share this post with your friends on Social Media. We don’t mind.
So… here’s the question…
When it comes to Texas Tech Sports, the next ten years will be better or worse than the previous decade… why or why not?
Y’ll post in the comments, on our Facebook and Twitter Feeds and more. Share with friends and see what they think.
Texas Tech’s slogan is, “From Here, It’s Possible”.
So, what is possible and why?
See y’ll this weekend on the site and on Twitter, @RyanHyattMedia