Happy Wednesday, Y’all !
We’ve got light snow flurries dancing around this morning in West Texas. Finally feeling like Winter and that’s OK. We’re supposed to have seasons around here. Would have been nice to have it leading up to the holidays, but we’ll take it when we can get it. They key is “light flurries”. Hopefully the rest of Texas won’t get hammered the way it was looking a day or so ago…
Last night in Utah, where they don’t have “Light Flurries” too often, the Texas Tech MBB notched another hard-earned Big 12 road win taking down BYU 72-67 in front of 17K or so “rabid” fans. It gets Tech a little closer to the “bubble” again for the NCAA Tournament, but still much work to do for the Red Raiders. Tech went into last night ranked 69 on the Hoops HD Nitty Gritty Number while BYU was 68. So you didn’t pick up much. Still, gotta have it.
Meanwhile the Lady Raiders are back in Lubbock tonight vs WVU after spending an extra couple of days trying to get home from K-State. Trapped by snow and ice, they got back to Lubbock yesterday around lunch time. Not ideal for a quick turnaround but at least they’re at home. Will be a tougher mental test than anything for that bunch tonight.
We’ve got all of that and more on The Daily Broadcast tonight. Join the show LIVE at 6:30 Central. Get in on Twitter/X, YouTube or Facebook Live, your choice. Here’s the link to the Tuesday show if you happened to miss it.
See ya tonight.
What IF Wednesday
We love Alt. History.
Each Wednesday we ask a sports What IF. We give you the question, you tell us how things would have been different had history gone a different direction.
What IF: The NCAA agreed to pay “student-athletes” a portion of revenues 15 years ago?
How different would things be today in college sports? Would it have avoided NIL? Would the sport be on a better foundation? You tell us in the comments and we’ll discuss in detail on The Daily Broadcast tonight LIVE at 6:30.
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, Fresh and Hot! The best links from Raiderland and Beyond!