What if… Always a great question. Tonight we look at Texas Tech Football without Kliff Kingsbury as HC… What happens then? Enjoy, Comment on our page and then share with your friends. See y’all Friday morning on the site when we ask you to tell us The Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week…
I was at the Ropes Jr High fb game while commenting during the live stream and I had no sound.
Was following along based on what the commenters were saying.
After having now listened to it it, I have a few points of clarity. Our alt-histories vary in their conclusions – nothing earth shattering there. However, I think not so much in differing opinions but it seems to be moe of a different baseline and/or starting point.
Yours leans more to the coaches gonna coach and players gonna play mantra – it’s what they do. So yes, Patrick very well could have still come to Tech for the reasons you say – but I’ll still maintain that there’d be no Chiefs run, no Tech promos, and no Adidas deal. Here’s why.
The stage. The moments. The “getting your shot” factor. We see it every year in both college and pros when a promising career never materializes and we ask “what happened?”
Sometimes guys just miss their window and never get the chance. And many times it has zero to do with skill or ability and just flat out comes down to timing.
I believe that Pat was given a huge stage here at Tech, with Kliff, that he may not have received elsewhere. The poor defense demanded a ridiculous offense. The uniforms, the “our coach is hotter than yours” all played there roles. We hated it because the losses piled up. But wins and losses aside, the Chiefs saw on film exactly what they had been seeking.
It’s this “window of opportunity” aspect that makes me curious about Welker’s role in the Air Raid and it’s trajectory. Mike was gonna be Mike. And he was gonna coach his ass off wherever he landed but I absolutely believe that his window stayed open at Tech a little longer because Wes Welker didn’t get any other D-1 offers.
And likewise, the ripple affect of his coaching tree saw windows of opportunity present themselves that otherwise may not have ever materialize.
And the flip side of that argument brings us full circle back to Kliff and the HC window that opened for him before he was ready for it.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Who won the Jr High game?
HAHA – I meant to include the score
Ropes 28
Forsan 8