Happy Tuesday, Y”all !
The college foot ball season finally came to an end last night with two newcomers battling it out for the championship. Or rather, two traditional powers finally bringing and to The Longest Season.
I love college football. I do. But having the title game on January 20th is far too long. The season should end with the same guy in as President as when it started…
The must move up the title game to the first Monday in January at the latest. Otherwise back everything up and finish on New Years Day and tell the Rose Bowl to get over it.
By the time this game rolled around I’d moved on fully to college basketball and NFL playoffs. Only so much room on my sports radar and this game wasn’t on it. Tell us what you think in the comments and we’ll discuss on The Daily Broadcast tonight.
Speaking of The Daily Broadcast, we’ve got two Tech hoops games today with the Lady Raiders in the afternoon at snowy Houston, and the Tech men at Cincinnati. Both are winning games. The men need to build off the success of the Arizona win and not give any ground back in their quest for decent seeding in the NCAA Tournament. The Lady Raiders just need to win.
Join us LIVE tonight at 6:30 on X, YouTube and Facebook for the show. If you missed the Monday show, here ya go:
See ya tonight.
Tuesday’s Best – Presented by Kyle Rogers, our Realtor in Raiderland. When you’re looking for the best in Lubbock, you don’t need to make Two calls, just one to Kyle!
Now that the Ohio State University has turned 20 million dollars of NIL into another title, we go off on the quest of finding out who y’all think are the Two Greatest College Football Teams of All-Time.
Pick from any era, any time. What makes them great? The players? The dominance? Historical relevance? You tell us in the comments and we’ll debate tonight. BTW, did Texas Tech play one of those teams? ? ?
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