What IF Wednesday – Texas Tech Went To Amarillo, Texas Tech MBB Taking On Devils Of The Sun, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Texas Tech Baseball, 25 Years Without Tom Landry, Pop Rocks, Party At The Moon Tower & The Mouth Of The South

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Happy Wednesday, Y’all !

Half way through the week and we’ve got Texas Tech MBB back at the United Supermarkets Arena. Hello Arizona State in Big 12 play. There are no easy games in this league, but this is about as close as it gets. If Texas Tech comes out and plays hard, they should control this game. If they laze about, then it’ll be a slog all night long. Up to the Red Raiders tonight.

We’ll preview that game and it’s impact on NCAA Seeding for Tech as well as take a look at the weekend weather for Texas Tech Baseball. Stick around. We might have a great college baseball guest if things time-out right this evening, so stay until the end.

Be sure and join The Daily Broadcast LIVE at 6:30 Central on X, YouTube and Facebook Live. Don’t cost nuthin’ If you missed the Tuesday show, here ya go:

What If Wednesday

On Wednesdays we go down the road of Alt. History. The What IFs and What Might Have Beens in the world of sports and otherwise.

This week we go non-sports.

What IF: The State of Texas had awarded Tech Technological College to Amarillo instead of Lubbock?

How different would these two cities be? What would Lubbock look like today population-wise? What would Texas Tech look like in the frozen tundra of the Panhandle?

Tell us in the comments and then we’ll discuss in-depth tonight on TDB.

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up Fresh and Hot! The Best links from Raiderland and Beyond. Enjoy and have fun killing time at work this morning thanks to Raiderland!