What we’re thinking about today is the end of the NCAA governing college sports.
Will the impact of the coronavirus on the upcoming college football season be the beginning of the end for the NCAA? Will schools end up scrambling around the county as some campuses open up and some don’t? Will we see the strain on certain conferences that are far-flung become to much to bear a and a reorganization begin sooner rather than later.
I think it’s a real possibility now that many of the larger schools will use the upcoming months to test what the market would bear if they ran their own show. Pac-12 schools in California can’t/won’t play? Then the Arizona and Washington schools break-away from the league and find their own teams to play. Same for other teams around the country. And don’t worry, TV will be there with open arms ready to pay.
All contracts are made to be broken and we may see those contracts broken sooner rather than later.
Crazy times produce crazy results.