Happy Friday y’all!
The sun is shining today. Literally in West Texas. After a rainy, drizzly week it’s good to have it back. Enjoy and need the moisture, but can only do a few days in a row without some sunshine. We’ve got a big weekend to get ready for and need to get our minds’ right. The sunshine will help. Texas Tech men’s basketball has a great opportunity against Vanderbilt Saturday there in the metroplex and Texas Tech Football is playing a game so they might as well win. We hear it will even be televised Saturday night. Looking into that.
We’ll have great coverage of all of that and more this weekend. Live tonight at 6:30 on the Daily Broadcast on X, Facebook LIVE and YouTube Live to set up the weekend. Then We’ll have a Saturday preview for Tech vs. Cal. Since the game will end around midnight probably, we will have Raiderland Rewind Presented by Thacker Jewelry plus Roundball Rewind SUNDAY evening at 6PM. That will give everyone a chance to join us and finish off the weekend together. So, set an alarm for Sunday at 6PM.
Most Texan Thing
It’s simple. Each week we want to help folks become more Texan. We have a standing question on Friday. What’s the most Texan thing you’ve done this week? For me, it could be praising the rain and cursing the mud. 4.5 miles of dirt road each day leaving and coming home will do that to ya! For y’all, it could be anything from the simple to the elaborate. Anyone have any really cool Texas Themed Christmas decorations? That’s your homework. Post the pics here or on our Twitter (X) feed or our Facebook page. We’d love to see your Texan Creativity. If you haven’t done anything really Texan this week, there’s still time. Get to it and report back!
Raiderland Hot-Links

Great week of work by Dane again!