Brought to you in part by Lifts West in Red River, New Mexico. The mountains are calling….

Happy Monday, y’all!
Running late today. Y’all know what to do. Fill-up the comments with your deserving recipients of Raiderland Helmet Stickers and enjoy the Hot-Links. See ya tonight around 6:30ish for the Daily Broadcast.
Raiderland Helmet Stickers
Who deserves a little recognition in your world today? Sports or non-sports, we hand out the coveted Raiderland Hemet Stickers each Monday. Who gets yours this week?
Texas Tech Soccer. Win at the whistle in Austin. You earn a Major Sticker!
Travis Kelce.
Raiderland Hot-Links

We find cool stuff and we pass it along. It’s what we do. If you see cool stuff, pass it along here in Raiderland in the comments.