5/12/23 Question O’ The Day – Recruiting To Lubbock And Texas Tech, Advantages/Disadvantages.

Brought to you in part by Kyle Rogers and ReMax Realty. If you’re being recruited to Lubbock, Kyle can help you find your new home!

Recruiting is like the weather. Everyone talks about it, whether they know much about it or not!

So, for years I’ve heard it’s hard to recruit to Texas Tech because of ________.

Except for when it’s not. And lately, it’s been pretty easy to recruit to Lubbock for most Texas Tech programs. I remember when folks said you’d never get high-level track and field athletes to come to West Texas. I remember when no great golfer would dare come to Texas Tech. I remember when folks said you’d never get good pitchers and MLB talent to Lubbock. . .

So, what’s the reality?

We ask you today what you consider the advantages and disadvantages are when it comes to recruiting to Lubbock and to Texas Tech. You can get program specific or you can go in general.

As you sit there as a fan, how do you see the landscape?

What are the strengths and what weaknesses must be overcome?

Thanks for dropping by. We’ll go live on Diamond Talk after Texas Tech Baseball and WVU wrap-up their Friday night game in Morgantown so join us Friday night to talk live!



  1. Advantage- in the state of Texas. Disadvantage- in the state of Texas.

    We have access to a ton of talent, way more than most states…. That’s really a huge benefit when you consider that some states are lucky to produce 50 D1 players. Texas produces 300 plus.

    The bad news is that bc it’s off the beaten path, people seem to think we are just a bunch of backwater hayseeds in a town no bigger than Stillwater or Aimes….the reality is that it is 3x-x4 bigger but many summarily dismiss bc of said image problem….

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