5/26/23 Question O’ The Day: Raiderland Helmet Stickers And We Need A Band, An Actor And An Athlete.

Brought to you in part by Creation Wellness in Lubbock. We’re fighting Low-T this summer in Raiderland. No more excuses. Feel better now! Just call Dr. Smyer and mention us here in Raiderland and get a discount on your first visit!

Happy Monday, y’all!

You know what we do on Monday’s around Raiderland. We hand out those highly coveted Raiderland Helmet Stickers to anyone and everyone deserving of some recognition, sports or non-sports. Who gets your helmet sticker this week? Who made an impact, who impressed, who did something cool in your world?

After that we get to our Question O’ The Day. It isn’t mandatory for you to be over 35-years old to answer this one, but it probably helps. I just don’t want to be accused of Old Guy-ism here. Was listening to Fleetwood Mac lately and it occurred to me that I appreciate this band and their work a lot more today than when I was younger and they were cranking out hit after hit. They were popular, but just another band to me. Now the music resonances a lot better. I’m sure you’ve got some bands like that as well.

So for today, give us us One Band, One Actor and One Athlete you appreciate more today than when you and they were younger. Who do you enjoy more, respect more or understand more when it comes to those areas?

Looking forward to your contributions to the site today. Spread the word on Social Media of your choice and then we’ll see you tonight around 6:30ish on The Daily Broadcast on Twitter Live and Facebook Live.



  1. Helmet sticker to the crew the cruise my wife and I took this week. Voyager of the Sea rocked. I appreciate Ken Griffey Jr and Bo Jackson so much more now. The hard work and dedication they put into baseball set the current day standard.

  2. Joe Montana – I knew he was good but at the time I didn’t appreciate what I was seeing – at all – IYKWIM

    Tom Cruise – liked his movies but always thought he was a goofball. I now applaud his work effort and attention to detail when creating his art.

    Irish Pub music – I realize that it’s a genre, not an artist, but as someone claiming an eclectic taste in music this has been a pleasant and relatively new discovery for me.

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