Brought to you in part by The Shropshire Agency, Independent – just like West Texans.

5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- I know we’re not supposed to be jealous or envious of others, but I truly do envy those folks who can sing. What a great gift. It’s even better when they share it with others. Thanks to all of you folks out there who can sing! And even to a few of you who can’t, but try. . .
- If you want to learn a few things about the world and life, talk to a five or six-year old kid about Santa Claus.
- Top 3 TV Christmas Episodes All-Time: No. 3. Seinfeld, “Festivus”. It created a new “holiday”. How do you beat that? No. 2. M*A*S*H, “Death Takes A Holiday”. Even as a kid, this one hit hard. No.1. South Park, “Mr. Hanky, The Christmas Poo”. So ahead of its time! Back when South Park ruled the world.
- It’s a strong man who can walk away from power on his own volition. Lubbock Mayor Tray Payne is that kind of man. He could easily run and win again, like so many have in the recent past. Instead, he takes a true “citizen servant” approach to the job, one that more should do. Get in, get to work, improve things and move on back to productive society. That’s what government of, by and for the people should be about. I thank him for what he’s done for the city and look forward to what he does next. West Texas needs more leaders like Payne.
- I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but for our younger parents out there; there’s a bike or toy kitchen or swing-set or something that’s going to need “some assembly required” here in a few days. Do it now. Hide it, but do it now. If you want to really test how strong your marriage is, put together a little kid’s kitchen or something on Christmas Eve. It’s better than any premarital counseling you’ll ever take. If you can survive that, you can survive anything. Those who know, know. And no, you don’t have to use all the parts they put in the box….