Happy Tuesday, Y’all !
It’s still rainy and cool today in West Texas. We’ll take it. After that stretch of heat in August, this is the least the weatherman can do for us right now. Plus it got my wife wanting to make cheesy potato soup with green chilies last night, so that’s another positive.
On the negative side, we find out that Texas Tech All-American RB Tahj Brooks is questionable for the Washington State game. He has a shoulder, according to reports. Our deep-dive reveals he actually has two, but one must be injured. For now, we are gonna presume that Brooks is out this week, just trying to read the tea-leaves from the McGuire Presser yesterday.
If he’s out… how much does that effect your views not he game? Can Cam’Ron Valdez be they guy for a full game?
We’ll talk about that and much more tonight on The Daily Broadcast. See y’all LIVE at 6:30 on X, YouTube And Facebook. Subscribe to all of our platforms and never miss a show. If you missed Monday night’s show while you were grilling in the rain, here ya go:
Tuesday’s Best
Each Tuesday we ask you to give us the Two Best examples of a certain topic. Today, we want you to tell us: Give us your two favorite performances by a back-up. Notice I didn’t just say sports on this one… Have some fun with it, post it in the comments and we’ll talk about it tonight on The Daily Broadcast.

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