Happy Liberty Bowl Day!
We’ll be with you after the game tonight to recap it all on Raiderland Rewind LIVE on X, YouTube and Facebook Live. Subscribe to all of our platforms, all free, watch where you prefer! Looking forward to your thoughts and comments tonight. If you missed our prediction show from Thursday, here ya go:
Now, let’s get the morning rolling with some Hot Links
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, fresh and hot, the best links from Raiderland and Beyond!

I’m concerned about the perceived disadvantage Arkansas has due to all the portal losses. Tech in position to overwhelm a mismatched opponent? Not really a good track record there in Tech’s favor. (hello ACU, BU, TCU)
The ASU and ISU wins remain the gems of the season. Repeat those performances and it’ll be a good night. Anything less and it’ll be a high pucker factor evening.
Well… be concerned.