Brought to you in part by our good friends in Red River, NM. We’re hanging out this week at Lifts West Hotel and Condominium, bringing you the same great shows and content you’d expect from home but we’re at 9,000 feet with gently falling snow this morning! Headed down in a bit to Yesterday’s Diner for an awesome breakfast then it will probably be nap time… why not!

Happy Monday Y’all!
We’ve got an amazing week of Texas Tech sports coming up. Nearly every sport in action this week with basketball starting up. We’ll cover it all from the mountains.
I don’t know how many of y’all struggle with the time change, but if you want to make it even worse, just load up on a Sunday and head to another time zone. I’m not even sure what day it is this morning. Finally set my watch back to Texas Time last night and that helped but there was an intense desire to go to bed way to early last night for New Mexico time. Luckily they don’t frown on that around here.
Tonight on The Daily Broadcast we’ll look back on Texas Tech’s win at ISU, what to expect vs Colorado and Coach Prime and talk a little hoops as well. Plenty to get into.
Join the show LIVE each weeknight at 6:30 Texas Time on X, YouTube and Facebook Live. Subscribe to all of our platforms (all free) and never miss a thing. If you missed our Raiderland Rewind from Saturday, here ya go:
See ya tonight at 6:30 !
What Do We Know This Week

After two frustrating losses, it turned into November. We should have seen it coming. Joey McGuire wins in November. Why? We ask you that question today and more. So tell us what you know this week…
What do you know about Texas Tech Football
What do you know about Texas Tech Basektball
What do you know about the Big 12
What do you know about the Dallas Cowboys and the NFL
All of those and more on TDB this evening but you can post your comments now in, wait for it… the comment section below.
See ya tonight at 6:30
Helmet Sticker Monday

Don’t forget to celebrate awesomeness today by handing out the coveted Raiderland Helmet Sticker. Who gets yours this week, sports or non-sports! Tell us in the comments, we’ll have ours tonight on TDB.
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up fresh and hot, the best links in Raiderland and beyond!