Texas Tech Basketball Surging, America Loves/Hates Mahomes & The Chiefs, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Mahomes Live, Billy White Shoes, SRV, Buddy & Waylon Plus The Answering Machine You Always Wanted

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Happy Monday, Y’all !

Everyone hates Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs.

And it’s glorious.

With their 32-29 win over Payton Manning… err, Josh Allen and the Bills, the Chiefs have officially become what the Dallas Cowboys once were. They most loved and hated team in the NFL. Of course we’re talking about the Cowboys of the 1970s lead by Roger Staubach and Tom Landry. The Troy Airman, Jimmy Johnson Cowboys existed in a different time and era, and in fact were only hot for about four years.

This Chiefs thing, this is different.

So welcome to the greatest place a sports team can be KC, the most loved and hated team all at once!

We’ll talk about that, plus the surging Texas Tech MBB team later this evening on The Daily Broadcast. Texas Tech had a workman-like Sunday win 64-54 over OSU in Lubbock yesterday. The arena was pretty dead for the most part and Tech got out to a nice lead before deciding not to score in the final six minutes or so just to see what would happen. I appreciate the drama. Now Tech’s won four straight and are in position to start trying to build not an NCAA Tournament resume but a Protected Seed resume. Can they do it? We’ll discuss tonight.

So, join the show LIVE at 6:30 Central on X, YouTube or Facebook Live. Follow on all of our network of platforms and watch where you choose. All FREE, Always!

We might just have a Special Guest Monday night on the show, so don’t miss out. If you missed out on the show Friday night and want to kill a little time at work… here ya go:

Looking at getting great new windows? Maybe a bathroom remodel? You need to call our friend Warren Taylor at Ultra Exteriors. Tell him Raiderland sent ya!

Good, Bad And Ugly

We’ve brought it back.

That’s right, the long-time staple of The Williams & Hyatt Show has returned.

Each Monday, you give us your G,B,U’s. The Good, Bad And Ugly from the world of sports and more over the weekend. For those new to the game, it’s easy. Just tell us what you loved and hated and had to turn away from… sorta like the last six minutes of the Texas Tech/ OSU game Sunday.

So, get your GBUs out and let’s start the week right.

Good: Patrick Mahomes. As of right now, best QB to ever play the game.

Bad: Texas Tech playing basketball on a Sunday with the NFL conference title games going on… Not a great vibe. Hurt the crowd and Sunday’s just down’t feel right for Big 12 basketball….

Ugly: Like we said. Last six minutes or so of Tech vs OSU was like going to the dentist. Just get it over with.

Now, there’s just a few of ours. We’ll have much more on The Daily Broadcast tonight at 6:30, so post yours below and get ready to discuss LIVE on TDB tonight.

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning, we serve ’em up Fresh and Hot. The best links from Raiderland and beyond!
