Brought to you in party by The Reserve, A Culinary Tavern in Lubbock.

Happy Thursday, Y’all
“And it’s up against the wall Red-Neck mother…”
So today is the day for Texas Tech Baseball. Win or go home. After falling to OSU early this morning in Arlington, Tech is facing an elimination game against Cincinnati today at 4PM give or take on the time.
That’s it. That’s the story. Win or be done for the year and miss the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2015.
Either Or Thursday
Each Thursday we give you a tough choice to make. It’s Either/Or. No in between.
This week, let’s talk about playing certain schools going forward in the New Big 12.
You can play one, but not the other for the next 25 years in any sport. Who do you choose to play and why?
Either Texas; OR Oklahoma. . . .
Which one gets your approval on the schedule in all sports and which one gets the ban hammer…?
Post your thoughts in the comments below and then share the dog out it on your Social Media pages of preference !!!
Raiderland Hot-Links

Each morning we serve them up hot and fresh. The best links around Raiderland!!!
The Perfect Texas Rangers Uniform…. Yes!

I don’t want to play either of them again but if I have to pick. I’d pick OU. I would love for baseball to do the mid week again at Hodgetown with them. Plus their fan base is less annoying and Norman is a nicer place to visit than Austin. I would be content if Tech never plays UT in any sport again unless it’s in the postseason.