5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Fixing The NBA, How To Shampoo, Top Tribute Bands That Don’t Exist But Should, Asparagus Issues And Barry Corbin Makes Me Feel Old. . .

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. The NBA would be instantly more enjoyable if the gave you 4 points for a dunk, 3 points for a shot inside 19 feet and 1 point for a shot from beyond the current 3-point line.
  2. That a bottle of shampoo has the words, “Wet hair first, . . . ” tells you exactly where we are in America today.
  3. Top Three Tribute Bands That Don’t Exist But Should. No. 3. “No-Show Jones”. George Jones tribute band. They rarely if ever show up for the gig and when they do, they just put a record player on stage and play his songs. No. 2. “Straight George”. Nothing but George Strait songs played from the beginning of his career up to today. Sometime 80s Pop Singer Boy George sings with the band, confusing everyone in attendance. No. 1. “Iron Madam”. Iron Maiden tribute band. The lead singer, of course, dresses up like former British Premier Margaret Thatcher.
  4. In the “Things Everyone Else Seems To Like But Me”, I give you asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Never have and never will and don’t intend to at my age.
  5. Currently re-watching the first season of “Northern Exposure” on Amazon. Barry Corbin was not yet 50 years old when that show premiered. At the time he seemed “old”. And once again, I feel old. It makes me wonder how the 20-somethings look at me these days. . . I’ll take either “grizzled” or “seasoned” at this point in my life!
