8/28/23 Who Gets Your Helmet Stickers, Raiderland Hot-Links-Charles Goodnight, Nolan Ryan, Randy White & Texas Tech Football

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Happy Monday, y’all!

Let’s get this week started. It’s finally here. Texas Tech Football is back. Predictions are done and it’s time to play. Hopefully y’all got a little rain and are enjoying the cooler temperatures this morning. More proof it’s football season. Forget for the moment it’ll be back in the upper-90s later this week. We’ll take what we can get today.

Raiderland Helmet Stickers

Every Monday we ask y’all to celebrate greatness and recognize folks who have earned a little praise. We hand out the highly-coveted Raiderland Helmet Stickers. Sports or non-sports, anyone deserving is eligible. So, who gets yours this week? Post in the comments below and we’ll talk about them tonight on the Daily Broadcast. Here’s ours:

The U.S. Little League World Series champs from California. A walk-off HR to win it. That’s American!

Sonny Cumbie. The La. Tech coach opens up the season with a come-from-behind win at home against FIU. Wasn’t pretty, but 1-0 is 1-0.

Jerry Jones. I mean come on. He skinned the league. Got Trey Lance for a song and managed to not tell anyone around the Dallas Cowboys they were gonna do it including the interim head coach and QB. And you just thought Stephen Jones was in complete control . .

Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. My son’s team played up there Friday night (39-12 winners) and I had forgotten if I ever really knew how picturesque that campus is at Old Tascosa. Really nice and the folks there treated us well. Not running into any deer on the way home was an added bonus

Raiderland Hot-Links

Still in its infancy, our daily Hot-Links section is growing fast and furious. We’re having fun with it and hope y’all like it. If you see something interesting during the day, post in our comments and we might throw it in the next day’s run. We figure if we like a link, story or tweet, y’all might like it too. Let’s get linking and on with the day.

1 Comment

  1. In lue of a helmet sticker, Iā€™d like to offer a ā€œbless the heartsā€ to a particular unnamed high school ref crew – they were indeed trying and we appreciate them taking on a thankless job but cā€™mon fellas, know your stuff

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