Brought to you in part by Abuelos! It’s Tuesday. It’s Taco Time. So get some!

Happy Tuesday y’all!
Hopefully y’all got some rain around these parts Monday night into Tuesday morning. We need it. Bad.
Let’s get to work today. First off, we decided Monday night on the Daily Broadcast that Tuesday is one of the most underrated days of the week.
Therefore, henceforth, we will ask you to tell us What’s Underrated This Week each Tuesday. It’s a lot of pressure, but we think you’re up to the task. So, What’s Underrated This Week in your world? Be creative and have fun with it.
We also ask you to give us a word. Actually two. We give you a topic and you give us two words to describe it. Just like a headline. That’s why we call it 2Word2sDay. We’ve got a lot of new folks in Raiderland these days so for the veterans we have to explain things. Help them along. Show them how it’s done!
Today’s Topic: The future of college sports. . .
Give us two words to describe what you think the future of college sports looks like. Will it improve? Is it a bleak future? How do you describe what college sports will be in the coming days and years?
Raiderland Hot-Links

The Hot-Links debuted Monday and I can tell we’re gonna have a lot of fun with this. We will post each morning links to things we find interesting. In the comments below, feel free to post some of your own and we will include them in the next days run. These links might be sports, might not be sports. Could be Texas Tech related might not be… it’s anything and everything we find interesting in Raiderland. You get the idea. Again, this is supposed to be fun, so let’s have some fun dang it!
Texas Tech overrated or underrated in the Top 25?
Texas Tech Construction Update via 1960
Before Mahomes, Lubbock gave the NFL Maxwell at QB….
Editor’s Note: Ryan Hyatt’s grandfather was the store manager for this Piggly-Wiggly in Lubbock for two decades in the 60s-70s!