The Daily Broadcast: It’s Fine To Fine College Players Now… Welcome To Reality “Student-Athletes”! Hanspard Touts Tahj Time And It’s Great! Helmet Stickers And Your Questions. So Watch. And Learn. And Have Fun!

Brought to you in part by McAlpin Chiropractic. A great West Texan ready to make you feel better. It takes a lot to be the Official Anything of Raiderland. He earned it! Did we trust him with our own son and my wife? Yes. Yes we did – Hyatt

Helluva show. Sorry you missed it. Don’t worry. The replay is awesome and you can hit us up with questions on Twitter anytime. @RyanHyattMedia We love the Replay People! Wish we could do the show when everyone could be there, but we figure 6:30 is as good as it gets for most folks each day!

Now…. on with the show.l Enjoy, Comment and Share. That’s all we ask for our friends who enjoy what we do. If everyone shares it each day… we grow like you can’t imagine. And…. if you can, tell all of our sponsors thanks when you see them online!!!