5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Quick Hits: Crackers, Rights, Top State Flags, Conspiracy Theories & Small Towns

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. There are about 613 varieties of crackers at the store these days. There is still nothing better than a piece of cheese on a saltine cracker though.
  2. It’s one thing to claim a right. It’s quite another to assert that right. Rights are like muscles, if you don’t use them, they wither away.
  3. Top 3 Cool Looking State Flags: No. 3. Alaska. Simple. Elegant. Worth waiting on them to become a state for that flag. No. 2. Iowa. They had to wait until 1921 to create it, but it’s cool. We got a Fighting Eagle and talk about Rights. No. 1. Texas. No explanation needed. It was also one of the coolest National Flags of All-Time. Would still be. . .
  4. Every proven theory was once a conspiracy theory.
  5. I chuckle at the folks who move into small towns trying to escape the “Big City” problems and then to proceed to bring into their new community every problem they said they were trying to leave behind. Some small towns should have a growth policy like a popular nightclub. One in, one out.



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