5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Overpriced Concerts, Voting Rights In America, Lubbock Restaurant Failures, Hollywood On Strike And One More Reason To Love West Texas.

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. Maybe it’s the me or maybe it’s the music ( “me” is the safe bet here… ) but I find the bands and artists that I’m willing to pay top-dollar, market-value to see in concert has dwindled down to next to nothing. And don’t give me the Nostalgia Acts. I’d rather sit at home and put on and album or a video and enjoy the band when they were the actual band and not a Remember When Act. As of right now, I can’t think of anyone I’d pay big-time concert money to see.
  2. Just because most folks have the Right to vote in America doesn’t mean that it’s right for most folks to vote. . .
  3. Top 3 Famous Restaurants Lubbock Put Out Of Business: No.3. Tony Romas ” A Place For Ribs”. Insanely popular in the 1990s in the metroplex, they came to Lubbock and found out no one knew who they were. Most folks thought it was an Italian place or pizza joint. They were also in a location of death on Slide Road. No. 2. TGIF. How does a TGI Friday’s not make it in a city with a major university with a lot of young professionals looking for cheap appetizers and date-nights? Oh we know why they didn’t make it… they stunk. Tried to live off their name, not great food and service. The only thing that got me in after a while was the NTN Trivia at the bar. No. 1. Taco Cabana. You’ve got to really work hard to screw-up a late-night taco place that serves beer in a Texas city with over 250K folks. Yet somehow, Taco Cabana did. Even try-color chips were not enough.
  4. Heard that Hollywood actors and writers and other hangers-on, eaters-and-writers and what-not are on strike out in California. I can’t think of a group that will generate less sympathy from workers around the country than that group. I also can’t think of any aspect of my life that would be negatively affected if any of them never came back to work. Be careful when you walk-off your job. You might find out you were never that valuable to begin with. . .
  5. If fall evenings are one of the greatest aspects of West Texas ( and they are ), then summer mornings have to rank up there as a close second. Before the sun heats things up, a gentle breeze and the smell of the dew on the grass is fantastic. It doesn’t last too long and you’ve got to be up early ( for some ) to enjoy it; but I’ll put the summer mornings in West Texas up against any other time of day/year.

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